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When Is the Right Time to Start Myopia Management?

Statistics show that more children are developing myopia (nearsightedness) at an early age. Also, research shows that children under the age of 10 are at more risk of developing high levels of myopia compared to adults. 


The reasons myopia is on the rise in children include, but are not limited to, a decrease in time outdoors and an increase in near-work (screen time and reading for leisure or homework) demands. Experts believe that by the year 2050, billions of people worldwide will have myopia. This is extremely alarming.


The good news is, thanks to innovation, there is a treatment that can slow down myopia progression. Note that myopia management cannot stop the disease’s progression but only slow it down. In other words, myopia is not reversible, but myopia management can keep it from getting worse. 


People with vision problems often rely on contact lenses and eyeglasses to correct their vision. These vision corrective measures alone cannot help with myopia onset and progression. Eye experts believe that contact lenses and single-vision glasses may contribute to myopia progression. So, when is the right time to start myopia management?


When to Start Myopia Management


Recent studies show that the prevalence of myopia in kids has more than doubled over the last five decades. What is even alarming is that kids today are becoming myopic at a younger age. The answer to the question, “When should myopia management start?” is as soon as possible


There is evidence indicating that the earlier a child develops myopia, the faster his or her glasses prescription and blurred distance vision will continue to worsen. You need to act fast to have a better chance of slowing down your child’s myopia progression. If your child is myopic, do not wait around to see what happens. The odds are that his or her condition will worsen.


Starting myopia management early helps reduce the lifelong risks of myopic macular degeneration, retinal detachment, cataracts, and glaucoma. These eye diseases have the potential to cause blindness. Do not be hesitant to start a myopia management strategy because you feel your child is too young. Children as young as three years of age can start myopia control treatment.


What is Involved in Myopia Management?


A child can develop myopia at a young age; however, the condition worsens through the teenage years. Myopia only stabilizes when the child’s eyes have fully developed, which is around the age of 20. 


If your child is myopic and his or her condition is getting worse, you need to talk to an experienced eye doctor or an optometrist about a myopia management plan. Your eye doctor will determine which myopia management strategy is effective for your child based on their optical prescription and age. These include:


Contact Lenses


If your child is already using contact lenses, your eye doctor may recommend multifocal contact lenses. These special contacts reduce the stress on the eyes while improving distance acuity. This type of treatment is popular among myopic teenagers and adults.




Younger myopic children often have reduced focusing skills, making it hard for their eyes to coordinate and work as a team. If your child is further diagnosed with reduced focusing skills, your eye doctor may recommend eyeglasses. Eyeglasses used in myopic management contain more than one optical prescription. They can either be multifocal or bifocal. 


Atropine Eye Drops


Your eye doctor may recommend the use of medicated eye drops daily to help slow down myopia progression. This myopia management plan is effective for children between the ages of eight and 15. 


To learn more about when the right time to start myopia management is, contact Advanced Eyecare Consultants in Libertyville or Lake Zurich, Illinois at 847-994-4500 or 847-438-7700.

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