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What Are Some Vision-threatening Injuries?

Did you know that it is estimated that every year in the United States, there are 2.5 million instances of eye injuries?

Every day when we engage in different activities at home, outside, or at work, we come across the possibility of eye injury. The eyes are some of the most vulnerable parts of our bodies. But we can prevent many eye injuries from occurring. The easiest way to avoid eye injury is to have protective eyewear when engaging in potentially dangerous activity.

The eye injuries that most people incur range from mild to severe, depending on how it happens. Trauma is the most prevalent cause of vision loss in one eye. Usually, most people receive care from a primary care physician for their eye injuries. However, it is better to visit an experienced eye doctor who can diagnose the damage better.

Here are some vision-threatening injuries that require a qualified eye doctor to treat.


Retrobulbar Hemorrhage

The most prevalent cause of orbital compartment syndrome is retrobulbar hemorrhage. It happens when the surrounding structure of the eye bleeds into the eye socket behind the eye. Commonly, this type of bleeding results from blunt force trauma. The increased pressure in the eye from the bleeding can cause blindness within 90 minutes.

The orbital compartmental syndrome may also result from orbital congestion. This may occur due to orbital emphysema and burn resuscitation after incurring an orbital fracture. The orbital compartmental syndrome is usually delayed before it develops. So, patients with orbital trauma require constant observation.


Open Globe Injury

Usually, open globe injuries happen when the eye goes through powerful compressive forces. These forces will most often cause perforation of the eye or penetration of the eye with the object. This type of injury can cause blindness quickly, making prompt intervention crucial.


Eyelid Lacerations

Either blunt or sharp trauma can cause eyelid lacerations to the structure of the eye. The significant concern with lid lacerations is the possibility of global injury. However, the chances that lacerations to the lid can cause infection are low unless it results from a bite. You should chill any tissue torn from the eyelid in a saline solution.

If the orbital fat is exposed, the patient should go to an eye specialist for treatment. It is crucial to maintain the function of the eyelid. Also, trying to suture orbital tissue exposed can lead to excessive bleeding in the orbit.


Chemical Burns

Chemical burns to the eye structure can result from strong alkaline or acids. They can cause significant damage to the eye if one does not take the correct steps to remedy the situation. It would be best to rinse the affected eye with at least a liter of saline water before going to an eye specialist. If the burns are severe, you will need to rinse the eye for a minimum of 15 minutes. You can administer anesthetic eye drops to help reduce the pain for the patient. 

For more on vision-threatening injuries, visit Advanced Eyecare Consultants at our office in Libertyville or Lake Zurich, Illinois. You can also call 847-994-4500 or 847-438-7700 to book an appointment today.

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