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Cataract development is the top reason many individuals in the world experience vision loss. Almost half of the reported cases of blindness, in fact, are a complication of this disease. Currently, around 24.4 million Americans are affected by this condition, and this number is estimated to reach up to 50 million by 2050.

To prevent the increasing prevalence of cataracts, Advanced Eyecare Consultants realizes the need to promote proper awareness of this disease. Let your expert eye doctor discuss essential facts about it.

  1. The lenses in your eyes mainly consist of water and protein. They focus the light that enters your eyes on the retina.

  2. Over time, protein breakdown in your body may increase, especially as you reach your 40s. Protein particles may accumulate and deposit on the surface of your lenses, leading to cataract formation. Your normally clear lenses may turn cloudy when this happens. Protein clumps may also prevent light from passing through your eyes.

  3. While increased protein disintegration starts in your 40s, you may not experience any manifestations at this time. That said, you may eventually notice difficulties seeing objects or faces clearly. According to your trusted optometrist, blurry or hazy eyesight is common. In fact your vision may be similar to looking through a dusty window or a dirty windshield. More advanced cases report poor night vision and intolerance to glare.

  4. Although increasing age is a major risk factor for cataract development, this condition may also occur among children (congenital cataracts). It could also be the result of complications of other eye diseases (secondary cataracts) or eye injuries (traumatic cataracts). Overexposure to radiation may lead to cataract formation as well (radiation cataracts).

  5. We may include a cataract evaluation in your comprehensive eye exam. We’ll make a thorough and careful assessment of your eye structures, particularly your lenses, to check for signs of cataracts.

If we detect cataract development and it’s causing visual impairments, your reliable eye doctor may suggest that you undergo cataract surgery. Rest assured we’ll refer you to a trusted cataract surgery specialist. We’ll work together to create your individualized treatment plan. Afterward, we’ll explain everything in detail, answer all your questions, and help you prepare for the procedure. You can also count on us to provide premier postoperative care to ensure your fast recovery.

For more information about cataracts and our cataract surgery co-management services, call us at (847) 994-4500 for Lake Zurich or 847-438-7700 for Libertyville. We serve Barrington and surrounding IL communities.

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